The upgrade price is determined by other travellers also participating in the auction, and increases by the next rounded unit increments above the current highest bidder.
Opening Price
This is determined by the capacity and duration of your trip and is set upfront as a ‘reserve’ price. Once a bid is made above this amount, the upgrades (because there are always multiple seats) are available to win
Pricing for multiple upgrades
When you select to bid on more than one upgrade, your bid amount will be multiplied by the number of upgrades you’ve chosen to bid for.
For example: Nicola has chosen to bid on 2 upgrades to the amount of £15 each, this is a total of £30. Every time she increases her bid from £15, her bid price will be multiplied by 2. If Nicola wins 2 upgrades, she will have to pay £30, and for 3 upgrades, it will be £45 and so on...
You can still reach price points with multiple upgrades too!
‘Upgrade Now’
‘Upgrade Now’ is a predetermined price that immediately secures an upgrade. This is a great option if you wish to upgrade without the risk of missing out in an auction.
‘Upgrade Now’ pricing is influenced by a number of factors, including train capacity and seat availability. However, instead of paying for a full price ticket onboard, buying a Seatfrog 'Upgrade Now' ticket will usually be cheaper.
If the ‘Upgrade Now’ option is available, you will see this on your auction details screen, one to three days prior to your departure.